Whether you are a professional musician or you play only for the enjoyment, if you're looking for a new instrument I'm more than happy help you. You might have a very clear vision for the sound you’re trying to achieve, or you might have some ideas that you’d like to explore, either way, I would be delighted to be a part of the journey.
Most things are achievable, from the re-creation of an old favourite to the creation of something that’s only ever been in your mind’s eye. Let me help you bring your ideas to reality with advice about how different timbers, electronics and finishes will deliver on your ideas and design and construct the finished instrument.
The starting point is a conversation… call me for a no obligation chat, you’ll be surprised what can be done on a modest budget and even more surprised how well a Tedwood custom guitar plays.
If you'd like to see some of my recent creations you can visit the virtual Showroom. Many of the instruments here are available to try or buy so why not drop me an email at paul@tedwoodguitars.co.uk or call: 07827 635 110
Perhaps it's time to give your valued and valuable instrument some serious TLC or, maybe you're having some issues with it or, maybe it might have met with an unfortunate accident Whatever the reason let me make you a promise - you (and your instrument) won't leave this workshop dissatisfied.
Combining more than 30 years of experience and expertise with state of the art equipment and techniques ensures that instruments leaving Tedwood will play exactly as you like it. and that's guaranteed.
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